Saturday (14 Aug) we popped into Worthing and boutght 2 new (again) helmets from a bike shop, the old ones turned out to be cheap and nasty. We then parked Wallace near the beach and went to watch the Worthing Bird Man competition. This is basically where lunatics make wings and other psuedo flight assisting objects up and then throw themselves off a high scaffold platform built on the end of the pier. Today was unfortunately not the best day to watch due to the wind being in the wrong direction and all the contestants droppling straight into the sea. We did however see Eddie the Eagle (remember him - he was the [only ?] British olympic ski-jumper of many years ago). He skied off the platform....
Eddie the Eagle - the plonker in the yellow cape wearing skis for a birdman competition !!! |
It started to rain and we reverted to our fall back position and found a bar for a swift half before the quick blat back to the MH.
Sunday (15Aug) was almost more exiting. We visited Brighton and started out in an American diner and then went for a stroll along the pier. We shot hundreds of aliens in the arcade and paired up on the bike racing simulator for a few laps.
Then came the highlight of the day. We bought a crepe (crap !) each and whils chewing through the rubbery substance, Karen had hers stolen by a prolific offending seagul. To be fair it was a godsend so Ray decided to give his up before being robbed also.
Ray willingly surrendering his crap crepe to the robbing seagulls. |
This was actually the highlight of Brighton so we popped into another bar (do you see a pattern forming here) and then we went home. To be honest, we are fully fed up with shingle beach.
Monday (16 Aug) we struck camp and drove back to Hertford where we knew there was a good campsite and we would be able to do some admin and see the family and friends.
Tuesday, (17 Aug) was an admin day. Ray drove to his motorcycle dealer and collected the final parts for Wallace (some side windshields). We also finally set out pushbikes up, having not used them since setting off on the 20th May following their theft replacement.
A picture of a slightly dirty Wallace with all its bits on ready to tour the globe.
Wallace |
If you look closely, there is a damp patch on the front wheel.(at the 3 o'clock position). This is from Leon peeing up against it. for some reason he feels compelled to do this. He does it whenever we return home from somewhere. Its not so bad on the wheel, when its on the exhaust it stinks when started up.
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