Saturday 15th June 2013 Miles Today 243 Total 8241
After the boss rustled up some bacon and scrambled eggs we set off West towards Prince George. The road was long and scenic and I will let the pictures speak for themselves (again).
Elk grazing by the side of the road just outside of Jasper. |
More stunning scenery. |
And mini beaches in the rivers. |
These two were down a side road, just off of the main road, so be careful of short cuts.
"I told you we should have filled up at the last petrol station you idiot" | | |
A carving of a Husky at a 'Husky' petrol station. |
This coyote walked off at the sound of the bike and then just sat there to be photographed. |
We stopped at a place called McBride and they had just had their summer festival. These guys were playing horseshoes. |
This large lady Grizzly and her cub (who hid before the camera came out) were grazing beside the road. |
A female moose startled by the sound of the bike. |
It really is a wildlife fest. We have been really lucky with what we have seen and being able to catch them all on camera. Tomorrow we are heading further North to a place called Kitwanga which is the bottom of the Cassier Highway, still in British Columbia.
We also forgot to mention that we lost another hour on British time and are now 8 hours behind you in Scotland.
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